Remember when a book report was just a report? Maybe a colored drawing to go along with it? Well, not any more my friends! In today's elementary schools book reports are productions! Last year we had to do a biography book report and dress up as that person for an oral presentation to the class!
This year, we've had to make a windsock, do a book jacket, do a file folder biography report, and now this one ~ a sandwich! At least AJ found this one fun!
We were given several sheets of paper with parts of the sandwich on them. AJ had to fill out that part of the report, color the paper and then cut of the piece of the sandwich. When finished, we are suppose to punch a hole in the upper L corner and get a brad form the teacher. It will then become the sandwich!

The onion was the part that either made you cry or was sweet!
The tomato was the setting ~ where the story took place. You could describe this or draw it.
The top piece of bread was Book, author, illustrator, and student's name.
The bottom piece of bread was what you liked or didn't like about the book.
There will be an oral presentation to the class on this one too!
So here it is the completed sandwich! Doesn't it look yummy?!!

AJ is pleased, that is what matters! Well, we have a few weeks to rest until the next project is due!

Since Amelia was in 4th grade last yr, I can already tell you what the final book report of the school year is. Design a poster of your favorite book that you read during the school year that would make kids want to read that book! The teacher keeps about 25 posters and decorates her room with them for the following year!
Is it May yet, I'm ready for Summer vacation!!!