Our 16th annual New Years Eve Party was a blast last night. We probably had about 40 total, kids and adults. I might have had more and some left early, but I figure my total by the number of champagne glasses I use!
We have games all over the house, FOOD, fun, fellowship, and the crazy kids go outside and zipcord through time and jump into the future!!!
Here are scenes of the craziness!

Live on Beatles!! Sure glad it worked with Rockband!!

It was cold here! That is ice on the trampoline!

Smarter choice, pool table inside!

Your hosts of the party! Kev was twisting trying to make our sweaters line up, he isn't hunch-back!!!

Food, always a good thing at a party!

Sparklers: Be Careful! Hard to breath with all the smoke!

This is FUN!

Poppers passed out, Sparkling Grape Juice for the kids, Champagne for the adults, everyone get ready, 1 minute to go.......

The poppers are flying!

This is actually not bad, in years past you literally have not been able to see the carpet!

No kid should be without a broom!!!
So, you might want to plan to be here next December!!! Sure hope yours was great.