In the hospital after 2nd heart attack. All I see is the love in his eyes.
2. I love Dolphins! I grew up watching Flipper on television in the 1960's. I have swam with dolphins 2x thanks to Kevin. When we had our clinic my entire office was dolphins, I had a walpaper wall mural!
3. Neil Diamond is the BEST singer songwriter in the WORLD! I do like other music and very eclectic taste, but I LOVE NEIL! I've seen him in concert 8 times, and here in Lubbock, back in 2002 he motioned me to the stage with my then 5 yr old saughter and sang to her and I and Kissed both of us on the cheek!
4. I love Disney, anything Disney. I've been to Walt Disney World (WDW) 8 or 9 times only because we joined the Disney Vacation Club (DVC). I use to be a Cast Member (CM). I worked a the local Disney Store in the mall 13 yrs ago. I worked strictly for the discount and free park tickets, I didn't make any money! My kids love Disney, and we love Star Wars Weekends at WDW in the summer.

5. I'm the Scrapbook Queen according to my neice in Oklahoma! Other nick names I have been given are Carebear - LONG before any little cartoon characters, Karat, and Chicokie! I was born in Chicago and went to colleg in Oklahoma!!!
6. I'm a collector - or some people would say packrat! I have a Dachshund figurine collection started when I was 10, I use to have a postcard collection, wait, Mom may still have that, I hae a miniature bottle collection up in the attic, I have a doctor figurine collection for my husband, we have an airplane figurine collection, I have a small camera collection, I have a massive button/pin collection, I have a lot of Disney stuff all thru my home, 2 of my sons have massive Star Wars collections - the 21 yr old's apartment is totally SW- he has all my 1970's stuff. Did I mentions tree ornaments? I'm sure there is something I'm leaving out, but I think you get the idea.

7. So If I love to Scrapbook, I must love photography, right? Yep, friends have said that if I were stranded on a desert island, I would have my camera!
8. I love Sci-Fi just about anything Sci-Fi.
9. Stargate SG-1 Have all 10 seasons on DVD and can almost name every episode. We'll have Stargate weekends where we just watch it all weekend. We have 400 some odd channels on TV and there's never anything on to watch!!
10. I'm a hopeless romantic - and my husband is to. He could teach a few men how to do 10 yr anniversaries!
11. I don't buy clothes, shoes, electronics, 'stuff' unless it is on sale. I'm a number 1 bargain hunter! Even in WDW I find stuff on sale! I watch adds and get my scrapbooking stuff on sale!!!
12. Kevin is a family physician - NOT a cardiologist - big income difference lay people! I pride myself on not being a snobby Doctor's wife! I like people to get to know me and then find out I'm married to a doc!
13. My 4 kids are everything to me - and we take pride that they are mannerly and well behaved especially out in public. They don't run around in restaurants!
14. We like to party, with the kids! Kids friends are frequently here at the house. Friends think we are cool parents. We're 48 and don't act old and stuffy! At Halloween we had 40 4th and 5th graders running around playing about 8 different games at stations. NYE we had 45 adults and kids playing games, eating, doing sparklers, and ringing in the New Year!

The den on NYE with friends visiting.
NOTICE the frame on R side of pic it is only 1 of my frames of PINS. I have the 2 walls to the basement completely filled with frames filled with buttons and pins!
15. I helped my husband build an airplane in our garage. Yes, a real 4 seat airplane!

This is our airplane!
16. We love to travel, my husband is a pilot. This is his hobby!
17. My degree from college is a bachelors in: Aviation Management - Bus. mgmt with emphasis in Aviation.
18. I have a fb acct because of my niece in Oklahoma.
19. I also have a myspace account because of her!

20. I have this blog because of her too!!
21. Oh, I'm on Twitter too because of her -Cfunk85! She's really corrupted me!! I love her and her amazing family dearly.
22. Because my Dad worked for NBC news in Chicago and Nightly news, I had the opportunity to meet many famous people such as: Richard Nixon and Family when I was 8 - They called me Little miss Press! Shelly Long started in Chicago with my Dad's crew, many of the MSNBC news reporters, George Peppard, and jane Pauley.
23. All 4 kids have special meaning in their names: Christopher Neil - Neil Diamond (Kev wouldn't go for Neil as a first name!); Tyler Alexander - Alex Trebec; Amelia Roxanne - Amelia Earhart; Alan Jonathan (AJ) - Alan Sheppard and John Glenn!
24. I aways wanted to be a pilot even when I was little. I ran out of money in college. I started out to be an airline pilot and switched majors. I thank the Lord for my aviation High School teacher or I probably wouldn't have gone to college!
25. I faced death in 2007 and am thankful for day of life. I'm thankful for the ability to walk and be able to enjoy my family and make friends of facebook!
Now you know why I call myself cozyflier!!