Thursday, January 29, 2009

Are you "JUST" a Stay at Home Mom?

Do you feel like you get put down because you stay home to take care of your kids and home? Have you been told you don't have a real job? Well, in the past these statements have been thrown out to me! Let me share some things with you.

Kevin, my wonderful husband, read an article awhile back, and we the SAHM's if paid would earn (2006) $134,121.00 as compared to a working Mom's average salary of $85,000!! That sounds like a real job to me.

It was also brought to my attention recently that I'm a SAHM who is never home. Probbly because I'm up at school volunteering, doing work for the teachers, trying to recruit physcians to do ER work (which I don't get paid unless they sign up and work 200 hours!), and running all those errands that we SAHM's take care of!

I'm on the PTA Board,head Room Mom for my 5th grader, and help several others with their events. I'm not bragging I just want to give you a brief list of what we SAHM's accomphlish in addition to our normal house duties.

- Donate $15,000 to our school!
- put in hundreds of volunteer hours to our school every month!
- Organize Spectacular Star Struck 10-31 assembly complete with 10 min slide show of pictures of every child in school (580) with music!
- Help run a week long bookfair at school so the library can receive $1,700.00!
- Organize class parties, with decorations and food to suit a king!
- Put on teacher luncheons.
- Do school fundraisers so we can buy things for our school, and operate the PTA.
- Put on Donuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom parent education programs.
- Volunteer at Church and other civic organizations.
- Take meals to friends in time of need.
- Go to Bible Study, Excercise class/gym, and other meetings.
- Go on Field Trips.
- Take pictures of all important events for our children.
- And more!

We are women, hear us ROAR!!!

Next time you're at a dinner party where your husband works, and another woman asks you "what you do for a living"? tell them that you are the director of a small corporation & that you multi task on a daily basis to over see several others & no two days are ever the same!

Please Note: Corporation means - corp - body - a virtual body that does business - a family can be considered a corporation.

Don't ever feel like you're not worth a million dollars, because believe me , no one could afford to hire someone to do ALL that we do!


Stefunkc said...

Amen sister!

Mom said...

WE do a lot of work that gets taken for granted. :-) I fully agree. (And I also work part time. LOL!!)