Yippee! The airplane is back home in Lubbock. Let me digress a bit.
Last November, the starter went out, Kevin strained his back trying to get the plane moved into the hangar the wrong way by himself. He ordered a new starter. When it came in, he or course was out of town. I drove it to him because he was scheduled to go back to Portales, NM and would have 36 hours off between shifts to put the plane back together. Enter fate. That night he had his first heart attack. The airplane has been in New Mexico since November! We have been paying hangar rent their and here!!
In February, Kevin was able to get the starter back in the airplane. However, since he is not legal to fly, we had to find a pilot friend to legally fly the Cozy with Kevin back to Lubbock. This also meant finding someone to get them the 2 hours out to Portales!!
Well, praise be. Friends Mike and Joyce helped Kevin yesterday, Saturday. They drove to NM, and Joyce flew the Cozy back with Kevin. Seeing as I have been rather busy with Mom, kids, and everything else, not having to drive for 4 hours was a big load off me!
The only glitch in this wonderful plan you might ask? When Kev got to the hangar with the Cozy, he discovered that the lock finally locked! Mike was driving Kev's car back with the key to the hangar! Being the good wife I am, LOL now, I drove out to the airport with MY key and we parked the plane. However, Kevin was so quick, I didn't get a picture! So, the above picture is an old one, sorry!
Anyway, it is a happy day, the Cozy is back home where it belongs!
wow, a plane...what an adventure, i bet the kids love it!
So glad to hear it's home! Not that I want to get in it or anything....:)
"So Carrie...what do you now that your plane is home??" the announcer asks. Carrie replys, "We're going to Disney World!!" Isn't that how it works??
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