Well school is out and I'm trying to catch up! The end of May is always busy, I'm sure all moms know what I'm talking about! So, I'm just now getting to posting about recognition. I think most of Texas does this, but I'm sure about the rest of the country.
The kids are recognized for excelling in school and given award certificates. Here in Lubbock they have done this since Kindergarten. Now, I'm not saying this is good or bad, I just know that with my 25 yr old that by the time he got to HS graduation he didn't want to go to the ceremony! And he was an honor graduate. Chris is graduating from Texas Tech in August and he absolutely will NOT go through a ceremony for me! So, I enjoy these little things while I can!
So what do you think? Are we rewarding are kids with mediocrity and getting them use awards, or do they deserve awards for being good citizens in school, and being 'outstanding' in math, science, history, etc? Are we setting them up for failure later in life? I'm just curious on your views!
Amelia has dyslexia and central auditory processing hearing loss. She works EXTREMELY hard during the school year. We are very PROUD of her. She maintains A's and usually gets 1 or 2 B's. We think that is exceptional. AJ gets straight A's without much effort. They both have very high IQ's, just like there older brothers. I'm not bragging, just stating facts. Are we setting the kids up to expect rewards for normal behavior that we expect?
I'll get off my soapbox and post pictures from the recognition ceremony that our school does to RECOGNIZE the kids for sports, scholarship, citizenship, service to the school, and such.
Irons Cougars |
AJ made a haul! 6 awards! |
Amelia did well! |
Mrs. Christian, Asst. Principal, Amelia, Mr. Caserez Principal |
Amelia and her boyfriend Alex |
OK, that is a wrap on recognition!!