The bar cabinets and several of the doorways are wood in the house. Kevin gives them new life by re-varnishing them! They look new!!!!!!!!
I wish the photo could show the hint of color and the glitter. This is over the walls that we took wall paper off of, Kevin spackled, and then I painted. By mixing in this paint glitter it gives the wall texture! It glistens ever so slightly when the light hits it.
This is for the above and below photo!! Above is the 'finished' metallic mirror blue color. It really needs a 2nd coat, but it will have to wait!(explain later)
Below is the base coat! Yes, I'm strange, but the metallic paint really is neat. You paint on the base color, then use a roller for metallic paint. The top coat has very little color and you get this neat shiny finish. I love it!!! The base coat was my first coat, then Kevin decided to spackle the wall! Then family came, then illness, and now, I have a big Halloween Party in 3 days to get ready for. 2nd coat will wait for now.
The front door, I like the posts silver! How about you?
Stephanie and I paint the front porch posts. Don't come visit me right now, I'll put you to work!!!!!!!!!!!
Doc spackles the wall! Oh, and see that ugly wallpaper in the dining room in the background?? That will be the next project! But it may have to wait until Jan. I have a job starting next week! Yep, a real job in a ladies clothing store!
The wallpaper comes tumbling down! Ashley, Kelly, and Mackenzie help me RIP wallpaper of all of the walls. The hall didn't seem that big!
So, this is almost finished, the dining room and guest bath will have to wait until the 1st of the year. I'm to the sanding stage on AJ's desk, but the weather has turned cold and there isn't any room in my garage. Alas, the shed isn't finished either, Kevin works too much. Bills really do put a damper on life!
Enjoy the Week, and Happy Halloween friends.