I just found a memory card with all the 4th of July parade pictures and party stuff afterward. Please indulge me, it is after all my blog, right?
You probably know we drove to Bethany, OK (OKC) and visited or relatives. Their neighbor cleaned out Albertsons when it went out of business. Albertson's grocery store never had cool inflatable costumes here in Lubbock!
Anyway, Nephew Shawn has been in the local parade for 5 years running. This was Amelia's and AJ's FIRST Parade to EVER be in! Just think, they were with cousins and out of state!!!!!
I also forgot how small towns 'soup' up a parade by inviting car clubs and any other business or club to in the parade. So here is my perspective of a small town parade!
Happy Belated 4th of July!!!!!! I'm just a running a little late!
Shawn, Amelia, nieghbor, AJ, neighbor
Kennedy, Amelia, neighbor, AJ in dino, McKinley, and I'm not sure after that! I think you can see cousin Reagan in the far back!
The old cars are so much fun! Wow it would have been weird to drive these babies!
My favorite, the Corvettes! It was my dream car when I was 16! I just loved the plates!
Even General Lee was there, remember him? Of course horses. But not ordinary horses, no sir reee!! Look at these 'toe nails'!!!!!!! And fancy legs too!
Then the food! Man was there food! Yep, I'm thinking I like 4th of July better than Christmas! Warmer weather, food is split among more people and you get to swim! Plus in this case we see more family!
Happy Holidays, thanks for indulging me!
wow I wanna go celebrate with you guys next time!!! Looks like LOTS of fun!!!!
I was at the parade...It is so corny but definitely a tradtion wiht my family too.
Looks like fun. We always go to the parade too. Lots of fun!!
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