Friday, February 4, 2011

Thawing Out?

The 'all knowing' weather man has predicted a high of 40* for today. A real HEAT wave! after a week barely making the teens 40* will seem almost tropical for us and I'm sure there will be boys in shorts at school when I pick up my kids! Yes, it was only 10* this morning but these smart alec middle school kids wear shorts to school!

But I digress, maybe we will thaw out and the snow will melt before we get hit by the next system. Yes, we are suppose to get MORE! Yikes. In fact, 2 systems are suppose to his us both Sunday and Wednesday next week. I may never leave my home :-)

But I discovered, women handle cabin fever better than men! I don't mind being home, but Kevin being under the weather and home for 2 days was going bonkers!

I finally did manage to dig my van out yesterday afternoon. It hadn't left its parking spot since Monday after school. I also estimate that Lubbock got 4" of snow from what was on the van. With Kevin coming in Tuesday and being home, I've used his car since it was cleaned off.

Oh, I'll let you in on another secret. The other reason I don't like snow on the ground, I have to put on shoes to take the kids to school in the morning! I normally just put on my slippers! I know it is the small things in life, but having to put on socks and snow boots to drive 1.5 miles to school and then come home and take them off so I can shower is such a pain! So, you know my deep dark secret! I drive to school in my slippers! I wonder how many other mothers do that?!?

Well, Time to go buy a birthday present for a party for AJ to go to tomorrow. And probably go to the grocery store. If we are having snow Sunday night, I won't be able to do my weekly shopping on Monday morning, sigh...


1 comment:

Stefunkc said...

I go in my jammies. Every single morning:)