I wasn't able to go, I still can't walk well enough without aid, and going to a big exhibit was not for me. Chris took the kids with some other friends. Along with the art display was also a comic book convention. People were dressing up, soooooo, out came the Storm Trooper, and the Jawa!
Now, what is so cool, the picture that Chris is holding..... was drawn right there by an artist while Chris and AJ posed in costume! Not only is it an original piece of artwork, and Star Wars, but it is of Chris and AJ!!! Pretty awesome, I think!
Please remember, I was not there, some of these pictures, most in fact, are blurry. The kids even some friends kids were taking the pics!
I would have laid on the ground to take this photo! A lego pencil writing the word yes!
Half real bike, half lego bike! Cool!
Hmm, I guess when you are made of legos you risk coming apart at the seams?!!
Well, I tried to pic the unblurry pics, I have a ton more but they are not too good, so I will leave it at this! The kids had a great time. Wish I could have made it.
Are your kids hung up on Legos?
Looks like fun.
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