Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chalked Again!!

Well, it is Spring Break and the kids are bored! The other evening the doorbell rang at 10:30 in the evening. Strange, I thought, but when I opened the door, kids started screaming and running!

The next morning, this is what found:

I'm not sure if this was aimed at my daughter or son!! I think it is going to be a long 3 years in middle school!

No one in this family has been into Pokemon for sometime!

OK, I know what you are thinking! Shame on you!! Actually, our last name is FUNK!! Think they were doing a play on words.

No idea!

Happy Weekend.


1 comment:

Sally's World said...

LOL...well, the hotty one, obviously meant for you! the last one is something very rude (well it is in the UK)...the world over...more constructive recreation for kids is needed!!!